Scott Wallace, editor of the Keowah County Bugle and Banner, unexpectedly finds himself covering the wedding of Meredeth Kendrick, the daughter of a successful local businessman, John Ross Kendrick, and his social-climbing wife, Merilee. Scott has enough to worry about and considers this task a two-hour fluff piece to make his publisher happy, until he meets the Kendrick family and becomes entangled in their family secrets. Matters get especially dicey when three uninvited people from Mississippi show up, claiming to be distant relatives visiting for the wedding, and then one of them ends up murdered. Who is this man, who killed him, and how will this affect the wedding of the year?
Barbara G. Tucker is a novelist, educator, writing mentor, local author, podcaster, blogger, and lay teacher. She writes about family loves and conflicts, secrets and forgiveness, struggles and discoveries. Currently she has eight novels in print (three are not shown here: Traveling Through, Cross Road, and Legacy). She also writes books on communication and studying the Bible. Use the QR codes to find her books on Amazon and to access her website. She is available for speaking engagements. She can be reached through her website: